Revolutionary Products
We have variety in packing methods; Soul Food (Trays), Thermo Forming (3D), Vacuum, Jars, Tins, PET.
We can almost pack any product in all packing methods!
Soul Food (Modified Atmospheric Trays)
Smoked Herring Salad Salted Mullet Slices Headless, Gutless Salted Sardine Smoked Tuna Salad Smoked Sardine Fillets Sardine Fillet Roll with
OlivesGreen Olives Filled with Tuna Salted Mullet Fillets Roll Smoked Tuna Slices Green Olives Filled with Anchovies Green Olives Filled with Salmon Salted Mullet Fillet Tota Herring Fillets
Thermo Forming ( 3D )
Sardine Fillets Herring Fillets Roll Mop Salted Sardine Fillet Waxed Mullet Roe
Jars, PETs
Herring Fillets Anchovies Herring Roe Salted Mullet Minced Mullet Roe Sardine with Carrot Tuna Chunks Mullet Fillets

Vacuum Packing
Herring Fillets Sardine with Carrot Sardine Fillet Herring Roe Smoked Herring Mullet filled with Carrot Tilapia Salted Mullet